We are a UK non-profit building communities of resilient wellbeing through mindfulness, heart intelligence training, and listening spaces.
Our Mission
We believe we can all live happier, healthier, more connected lives through mindfulness.
Mindfulness allows us to unleash our natural curiosity about the inner landscape of our thoughts, emotions, and body. Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better.
We know mindfulness needs heart. So we combine training in mindful awareness with techniques for utilising our heart’s inner intelligence through biofeedback technology and training in listening deeply.
We see wellbeing as a basic human capacity, not a lifestyle luxury. We are building a diverse community that can share heart-based mindfulness in ways that are relatable to individuals and communities from all backgrounds.
Join us in a listening space, a morning mindfulness session, a workshop or even on a converted American School Bus! A chance to connect in with a community that values heart and wellbeing.