Date(s) - 02/04/2022 - 03/04/2022
9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Ready for something a little different…?

Experienced group facilitators Hannah Sneyd and Helene Su bring together the work of Systemic Constellations, shamanic healing and elemental somatic dance for an immersive and embodied journey into soul alignment.

We come together to get closer to our true selves, shake off unhelpful life patterns and collectively move towards a place of deeper trust, clarity and lightness. Over two days we will dive deep into a unique fusion of ancestral knowing and bodily wisdom; an exploration into psyche and soul, and an opening to self.

Systemic Constellations is a group process with roots in Zulu ancestral healing practices and Western psychotherapy which has the power to unveil our hidden histories and shift generations of embodied trauma. This work acknowledges that we exist not in isolation but in relationship; Our energetic fields are inevitably bound up in that of our family system, which can provide support but also present challenges. Through this work we resolve unhealthy entanglements with others, bow down to the wisdom of our elders and welcome in any members excluded from the family system (ie. adoptees, those who died young or those cast out for unwelcome behaviour). In doing so we restore balance to our system and support energy and love to flow naturally.

Shamanic Healing involves working with spirit, past lives and natural energies to bring a person’s system into balance. Elemental somatic dance brings the whole self into creative expression and supports energetic release. Within this powerful and loving space we can release unhelpful patterns, gain insight and set in motion a new life course.

We price on a sliding scale:
£145 (just surviving)
£165 (striving and thriving)
£185 (feeling abundance)
Book your place here:

In the case of certain mental health issues this work may not be suitable. Please discuss with us before booking by emailing


What is Shamanic Healing?

There are numerous forms of shamanic healing practices, and the form we use is one in which all the members of the group physically step in to represent different aspects of the medicine wheel or eight directions. Using intuition we collectively channel information about the issues from a client’s past that are causing difficulty in the present, and then bring about the steps required for healing. The process will be fully guided, with no experience required.

What is Constellations Work?

Constellations is a therapeutic practice that seeks to address difficult patterns and issues that arise on the level of body, mind and soul by looking at the hidden dynamics at play within our family and other systems.

At the core of the work is an understanding that we exist not in isolation but are intricately influenced by our environments, and that we work best with individuals by acknowledging the whole system around them. This is done on a practical level by physically representing elements of our system – be they living people, ancestors, or more abstract elements – and allowing the relationships between these elements to reveal entanglements in the system in order that we can heal them.

In this work, individuals from the group will ‘stand in’ to represent members of each others’ family systems, using their bodies to tap into our collective energetic field in order to pick up and convey information about what is going on in the system. This sounds scary, but anyone can quickly learn to do this!

We can use Constellations to work with a multitude of challenges that appear in life. These could include:
• Unhealthy relationship dynamics
• Persistent health problems
• Unresolved conflict within the family and/or relationships
• Repetitive and unhelpful life patterns
• Addiction issues
• Anxiety, depression or problems with self-esteem

What is Elemental Somatic Dance?

Elemental somatic dance aligns our mindbody to come to true embodied knowing through the multi-layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. In connecting these elements within us to the natural forces of the universe, we can release our ego to dissolve into a true sense of connection and wholeness. And through the dance we can tap into our innocence and joy.