We know it is a lot right now. As England heads into a second lockdown and global political events add to a great sense of uncertainty. This post shares some tips and resources to support your mental health and wellbeing at this time, and some details of how this lockdown impacts the Network of Wellbeing’s work.

Image via The Smile Tiles

Helpful Coping Tools for Lockdown

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee shares a series of 10 accessible health tips on social media, including finding a daily routine that works for you, connecting with nature and friends, and remembering to move your body, even if just for a short time each day. See the full list here 

The Huffington Post have shared an article on How to Make a Plan for Lockdown, where they encourage setting small, achievable goals for yourself and remembering to stay kind – to yourself and others

What resources or tips are helping you at this time? And / or what resources and online events are you offering to support others’ wellbeing? Please share with us on social media, and we’ll share as many as possible: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Network of Wellbeing Online Offerings

We have two completely free online events coming up which you are welcome to join: 

Less Stuff, More Happiness: Sustainable Living with Rob Greenfield: These times of challenge and rapid change can help us to refocus on what is really important in our lives. More isn’t always better, and excessive amounts of stuff does not make us happy. One inspiring man who is very happy with less is Rob Greenfield, who will be the main guest speaker at this event on Tuesday 24th November at 7.30pm UK time.  

Holding Space for a Changing World – A Listening Space: Join us and The Heart Movement in our last listening space in a series of 2020 to listen and be heard sharing stories on how this extraordinary year has touched and moved us. This event will be held on Tuesday 8th December at 7.30pm UK time. 

Impact on NOW’s work on the Share Shed and Eden Rise

The Share Shed – our mobile library of things project will close for the duration of lockdown. We currently plan to re-open in Totnes on Thursday December 3rd. Huge thanks to all those who responded to our pre-lockdown sale, during which we lent out over 50 items, supporting many people to borrow, rather than buy! To learn more about the Share Shed watch our Project Coordinator, Mirella Ferraz, present at the recent Ethical Consumer Week

At our retreat venue, Eden Rise, the lockdown has unfortunately resulted in some of our retreats cancelling, however we are still open should certain events fall under the category of ‘essential work’ such as education and support groups. Contact us for more details and to learn more about our Winter Deal

Thanks and Stay in Touch

We hope you and your loved ones stay well in the coming weeks and months, and we look forward to connecting with you more online. You can follow latest updates and connect more with our network via Twitter, on our Facebook page and group, and via Instagram and on LinkedIn.