Date(s) - 27/10/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

In these times of rapid change we need to redefine leadership. We desperately need qualities such as empathy, compassion and humility in our leaders. We also need to find the leader in ourselves, to show up in our own lives and communities with integrity.
Prominent female leaders such as Jacinda Ardern, Nicola Sturgeon and Angela Merkel are transforming attitudes and beliefs around effective leadership. These leaders have led the most effective Covid-19 responses and are often at the forefront of making wellbeing a political priority.
How can we continue to adapt the way that we lead in uncertain times – in our own lives, organisations and communities? What can we learn by studying the effective leadership qualities found in women? And could this pave the way for both men and women to become more effective leaders for positive change?
In this webinar we’ll explore the links between wellbeing, women and leadership at a personal, collective and societal level. Together, we’ll discuss how we can harness our own personal power to drive forward change in our own lives, our communities and the world.
We’ll hear from:
* Michelle Preston (Simply Happy + Simply Women on Purpose)
* Georgina Wilson (BUD Leadership)
* Indra Adnan (The Alternative UK)