Date(s) - 22/09/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

In order to effectively care for each other, we need to care for ourselves. And in order to effectively care for ourselves, we also need to care for each other. This interdependence of care is essential for creating resilient communities. By resilience we mean the ability to bounce back from challenges, and this is important on both personal and collective levels.

At this event we will explore tools and approaches that can help us support resilience in ourselves and in our communities. We’ll hear from Peter Lefort (Eden Project Communities Network Member) plus further speakers to be confirmed.

>>>Register for the event here

This is part of a mini series of webinars on Community Action for Wellbeing, being run in partnership by Eden Project Communities and the Network of Wellbeing (NOW). These events will also form part of the Leeds Festival of Kindness, Compassion and Wellbeing.

Community Action for Wellbeing